

"The people of your world," said the Little Prince, "grow 5000 roses in a single garden... And yet they can't find the one special thing they are searching for..."


"Yes," I answered.


"Even though that one special thing can be found in just one rose or the littlest bit of water..."


"It's true," I said.

王子さまはこう付け足した ---

The Little Prince replied with this ---


"It can't be seen with the eye. It can't be searched for by any other way than the heart."

- 『星の王子さま』
Le Petit Prince (my translation),
Antoine de Saint-Exupery


Anonymous said...

The question that cannot be answered except in disillusionment:
"what determines where the heart looks?"w

KP Kelsey said...

i am so thankful for your words