Martin Luther
King Jr. said
“Don’t let anyone make you
think that
God has chosen America
as [God's] divine messi
anic force to be reckoned with.”
There are compelling voices who
claim that God
has chosen America (not
the church)
as a special embodiment of hope for
the world, and then
there are times
in more recent history) where it
seems America em
bodies an anti
thesis of what God hopes
U.S. flags
colonize the altars and the money is brand
ed “In God We Trust,” but
the economy is an eerie reflection of the seven deadly sins
listed in scripture, with a culture
dangerously close to the sins of Sodom, a culture the prophet Ezekiel describes as
overfed, and
Given the fact that America and God’s kingdom are
not the same - and
are often at odds - how do
we resist the temptation
of thinking
that America, rather
than God or God’s
church, is the hope of the world?
by Shane Claiborne
Wednesday, May 16, 2007