
Thirteen years since our
last meeting
she appears in the
upstairs crowd
i can't believe it
i go to sit next to
her on
the floor
so warm
Then, the house
walls blow out
i'm assured
the central
is the strongest
thing need be
And then I realize
she is gone


we all think we're crazy the first couple of times. it's certainly scary if you know what it's like. there must be a link between this and the renowned lucid dream -- i'm not sure which i've experienced more often, but i'd love to turn one into the other were it possible.


Martin Luther
King Jr. said
“Don’t let anyone make you
think that
God has chosen America
as [God's] divine messi
anic force to be reckoned with.”
There are compelling voices who
claim that God
has chosen America (not
the church)
as a special embodiment of hope for
the world, and then
there are times
in more recent history) where it
seems America em
bodies an anti
thesis of what God hopes
U.S. flags
colonize the altars and the money is brand
ed “In God We Trust,” but
the economy is an eerie reflection of the seven deadly sins
listed in scripture, with a culture
dangerously close to the sins of Sodom, a culture the prophet Ezekiel describes as
overfed, and
Given the fact that America and God’s kingdom are
not the same - and
are often at odds - how do
we resist the temptation
of thinking
that America, rather
than God or God’s
church, is the hope of the world?

by Shane Claiborne
Wednesday, May 16, 2007


A street chant
to quake
sea-weed green
your neighbor's
roof ---
the pre-agential
if only
it lacked the
to know
to act,
a mutatedmutating,
a gelatin-center
wax bean float-
ing in the deadly
still waters
of nobody,
mouth less
until its
body collapses
disinterested and
seen by
no one
------- before
one touch
multicellular adhesion
extraterritorializing compilation,
progressive patterning
of the deoxy-
nucleic that
atomic anatomic
reformation ----
the logic of touch
---- cell upon
cell upon
inside our
apartment rooms
our refridgerators
our bathrooms
our bigtv living
Can you see?
Can you see?
the chant through
the window
to wake
up to
a mess
on the floor
and my passion to
clean the
because we touched,
to want for
one without
the other
our egoist and altruist,
or the primitivist deconstruct-
a desire to
and the one who
cleans before cleaning
our biobuddhist


There is nothing wrong with seeking happiness or peace of mind. It is the natural motivation behind all our thoughts and actions. Where we have gone wrong is in assuming that whether or not we are at peace depends upon what is happening in the world around us. ...

This attachment to the material world as our primary source of happiness lies at the root of much of the craziness that humanity perpetuates upon the world. It is this that leads us to consume resources we do not need, to treat other people as elements in an equation, to discharge our refuse out of sight, and to mistreat and abuse our own bodies.


If we are to stop abusing our world we need to let go of our attachments. ... In a state of non-attachment we no longer believe that what we have or do will provide the peace that we seek. As a result we are free to care more fully for other people, and for all living beings.

Thus the most important fight of all at this crucial stage in our evolution is not the fight against hunger, the fight against inflation, the fight against pollution, or the fight against corrupt governments. Each is very necessary and cannot be relaxed. However, they will not be won until we have also won the fight within ourselves: the struggle between our self-centered mode of thinking and the inner knowing that there is more to life than gratifying our ego-centric needs.

- The Global Brain Awakens,
Peter Russell

"The people of your world," said the Little Prince, "grow 5000 roses in a single garden... And yet they can't find the one special thing they are searching for..."


"Yes," I answered.


"Even though that one special thing can be found in just one rose or the littlest bit of water..."


"It's true," I said.

王子さまはこう付け足した ---

The Little Prince replied with this ---


"It can't be seen with the eye. It can't be searched for by any other way than the heart."

- 『星の王子さま』
Le Petit Prince (my translation),
Antoine de Saint-Exupery