despite all praise and connections, i have yet to introduce master thich nhat hanh.
Zen Master, poet, peace and human rights activist, Thich Nhat Hanh was born in central Vietnam in 1926 and joined the monkhood at the age of 16. In Saigon in the early 1960's, he founded the School of Youth for Social Services (SYSS), a grass roots relief organization that rebuilt bombed villages, set up schools and medical centers, resettled homeless families, and organized agricultural cooperatives. Rallying some 10,000 student volunteers, the SYSS based its work on the Buddhist principles of non-violence and compassionate action. Despite government denunciation of his activity, Nhat Hanh also founded a Buddhist University, a publishing house, and an influential peace activist magazine in Vietnam. ... -- Mindfulness Bell
hanh is an indirect mentor of mine -- at the very least, a hero passed down by mentors to me. his books -- including Peace is Every Step and No Death, No Fear -- are some of the freshest writings i have encountered among the less hardcore (and often esoteric) works of other buddhists, philosophers, and social activists. they have also been a deep influence to my personal philosophy.
also, a small list of recently added links dedicated to environmental awareness (and not merely the kind the 'environmentalists' advocate):
more to come as i explore these and others
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